Monday, April 4, 2011

Emotions and Mood

Creating Mood

1. What does the writer of the article say that creating mood is for him?
The writer says that creating mood is all about the feeling of being there, taking the viewer
to the location of the photo.

2. What is a common element that can add mood to a photo?
A common element that can add mood to a photo is fog.

3. Why do storm clouds add mood? What kind of mood can storm clouds convey?
Storm clouds add mood because they are big, dark, and threatening. This would convey a
dark mood.

4. What kind of effect can running water have?
Running water has the effect of the waves crashing, and sometimes a calming mood.

5. Why can many different people find many different moods in a photo?
Because many people may look at the same photo in different ways.

Adding Emotions

1. Why does adding emotion make a great photo?
Adding emotion makes a great photo because it helps a viewer connect with a photo if the
emotion is prevalent in the viewer.

2. What should the photo express for you?
The photo should express your feelings or your emotions also what you see.

3. Why do faces convey emotions easily?
Faces convey emotions easily because our faces show emotions. and the mood conveyed in
the photo will come through and it'll effect the viewer.

4. What will sitting and observing do for your photos?
Sitting and observing will make your mood, your mood has a big part in what and how you
shoot. When you relax you notice the vibe of the emotion portrayed by your surroundings.

5. What question should you ask yourself when shooting?
You should always ask yourself, "What emotion am I trying to convey?"

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