Friday, January 28, 2011

Daily Image 1/28/11

1. What do you see? Describe what is happening.
I see a what looks like a deserted town, very dry and the clouds are very grey and it looks like it's about to rain.
2. What colors, shapes, and lines?
I see a lot of browns, which include the dry grass, the rusted buildings, the dirt and then the massive grey clouds.
3. 5 descriptive words
  • deserted
  • dead
  • abandoned
  • hideous
  • miserable
4. Interpret the photograph.
This photograph reminds me of a town where a bunch of serial killings happen and the camera is like a hidden camera trying to catch some action or something. This photograph is scary to me and it freaks me out

5. This photo uses simplicity because I think that the focus is the small buildings and it captured that very well.

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